JSC : A JavaScript Object System

As some of you might know, I’ve been working on a personal project for last 6 months, called Possimpable (working title).

This project is composed from 3 major components. Today I’m going to release some documentation about one of them.

Most parts of this project are written in JavaScript, including server-side. While I was attempting to write in a OO fashion, I started to feel that my code was written as a collection of JavaScript Hacks. Since that would inevitably leads to bug (and since JavaSCript is an asynchronous language, could lead to bugs hard to find). Other problem is that this project relies on a RMI between the client and the server, so I needed a way to simplify using it in JavaScript.

That made me start writing small scripts to pre-process code, but over time and several hacking sessions, I started having a small language on top of JavaScript. This language is called JSC.

I’m not releasing JSC compiler today because I’m not satisfied with the code in the current version. It still has some kinks that need to be worked on. I’m however requesting for comments.

I’m going to release 2 documents today. One is a presentation in Portuguese that I gave to grad. course. The other one is a small paper that describes the main topics for this language.


Project Possimpable…

…The place where the possible and the impossible meet to become… the Possimpable!